Romans 8:28 I See Some Things Working Together For Our Good

We are still here and still waiting. There are 2 houses that we have applied for. Other people have applied for them, too. I don’t know how they will decideIMG_2656 who to rent the house to, but I hope our urgent need will cause someone to give us a higher priority.

We liked both houses pretty well. There are different advantages and drawbacks to each one, but we could make either of them work. The one is bigger, but the subdivision seems more crowded and sterile. The house has some neat decorative touches that I really like. The other seems more homey, and it’s in a small town, but still a subdivision. OH, there’s a walking trail across the street from this house. I would really like that! But I would be happy with either one. I just want to know where we’re going to live next!!!

I think the Lord has kept us in this house a little bit longer for several different reasons. I walked to the fellowship meeting across the street from our subdivision Tuesday night and enjoyed talking with some fellow Christians who really believe in living by faith. The pastor has quit his job and is going to do full-time ministry for the “church” from now on. I hesitate to use the word “church” because I don’t like the way church is usually carried out. This group of believers has the same ideas about living the Christian life as a body of believers as I do. Their vision is to reach out to the lost and share the gospel and also to minister to the needs of hurting people, believers and non-believers. They don’t want to just get together and meet like a social club.

So I got to talk with the pastor and his wife, and I’ve talked with some of the others there, and I really think we could connect with them. If we hadn’t lived here this extra time, I wouldn’t have had a chance to meet them.

We are also getting to know our next-door neighbors better during these final days here. I’ve found out that the lady next door is very sweet. She is so kind and patient with my twins and Emma. She let them water her plants the other day and gave them candy to share with their brothers and sisters. She came over and gave me some clothes yesterday. Its nice to know that we lived next to a nice person all this time. It’s too bad we didn’t know that while we lived here!


Just the last 2 days, I’ve taken advantage of the track that’s very close to where we live, and I’ve walked around it in the morning before the kids get up and before it gets too hot. Why didn’t I do that the whole time we lived here? I was unable to think clearly until now, I guess. Long-lasting Mommy Brain.

But I can see that God kept us here a little longer for several reasons, and I shouldn’t have gotten so upset when things weren’t working out in MY timing.


He works all things together for our good. He’s so good!

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