Hurry, hurry, drive the fire truck! We played at the park on a nice warm, not HOT day back in April! It was beautiful and the kids had so much fun!

We went to the park earlier in the spring, and the kids loved it so much. Emma says almost every day that she wants to go to the park. The kids spend lots of time outside, but there’s not very much to do. Looking at our yard, you would think we live in a desert area. In fact, it’s the opposite. We live in a swampy area. We just have a very patchy yard that needs a lot of help! We’re praying and believing for a broad (spacious) place to call home. Ps. 18:19 It will come!
The twins both learned to ride their bikes without training wheels about a month ago, so now they can do that. We have nice sidewalks they can ride on. But I still won’t let them ride on the street. I ride with one of the babies on the back of my bike from time to time. But we still can’t really all ride at the same time. We need one more baby seat to be able to do that.
I would take them to the park if I had a car or a van. So we’re thanking God for providing that van that we need so that we can all go places together and I can go somewhere during the day if I need to or want to. There’s a neat pond near us where I could take them fishing, too. Nature study galore!
We had beautiful spring weather and were able to do school outside a couple of days. We enjoyed hearing the birds singing and looking at the clouds.
This spring and the whole year preceding it has been a new season in our lives. We have had abundance and all of our needs have been met without having to pray in every meal and a roof over our heads every night. Living by faith was hard work! Our bills are paid and we’re out of debt. The kids’ teeth are fixed, and we’re all in good health. I’m so grateful for God’s abundant provision. He who has called us is faithful. 1 Cor. 1:9
Anna got a new chair for her birthday. She loves it and really uses it. She does her schoolwork in it, quiet and alone in her room.
Thank you, Lord, for a beautiful spring season! We are looking forward to this new season and what You have in store for us.
What fun! I have a park within walking distance….close enough to almost run ‘home’ and not get wet if it starts raining. You have inspired me and my children will thank you for it!!! So happy to see new posts on your blog this morning. I’m gonna go get a cup of tea and pretend we’re just talking before I read the next one! 😛