Quick Break for a Homeschool Update

I want to use this blog to keep track of what we do in homeschooling, so here’s what we’ve been doing lately.

    I read Sam Houston by Jean Lee Latham last week, thinking that we would be moving to Houston. It was good to learn about another great American even though we didn’t get the job in Houston. We won’t hold that against Sam Houston.

    I’m reading the second book of the Wilderking Trilogy, The Secret of the Swamp King. We really get a kick out of the antics of Aidan and the Feechiefolk. I love reading this book aloud to the kids. This is one accent I can do without effort. Southern twang.

    Morgan is reading all of The Box Car Children books. He is telling me what he reads. He says he’s even learning some history like Captain Cook discovering vitamin C and its healthful benefits, especially protection from scurvy. He has read four books so far, and is now starting from the beginning of the series.

    Kelsey has read several books lately: My Evil Twin; Junie B. Jones– lots of titles; McBroom’s Wonderful One-Acre Farm -Three Tall Tales; Trumpet of the Swan; Living In a World of White; A Little Princess with Daddy.

    I’m reading aloud to the oldest six:

    The Great Little Madison by Jean Fritz
    The Laird’s Inheritance by George McDonald
    I just started The Chestry Oak by Kate Seredy, recommended by Edith Schaeffer. It looks like it will be a good one. It reminds me of At the Back of the North Wind.

    There are so many other books I want to read to them.  I’m thankful for the time and opportunity to read with them.  What a bonding experience it is.

    Copy work for Kelsey and Morgan about the first six Presidents.

    Math – the older kids have been using YourTeacher.com for free this summer, and it’s actually working pretty well.

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