The Case of the Multiplying Nancy Drew Books

I ordered 3 Nancy Drew books for Anna for Christmas last year. They never came, so I finally checked my transaction history and discovered that I had inadvertently had them shipped to our old address. Our last dealings with the owners of that house (we had rented it from them until they returned from deployment) had been less than pleasant. They lied about how much money they needed out of our security deposit, and we got less than half of it back.

But I wanted to find out if they had my box of books, so I bravely went to their house and rang the bell. The lovely lady of the house answered the door with her usual suspicious glare, and then smirked when she saw who it was. I asked her if she had received a package addressed to me, and she said no she had never gotten a package for me. I told her it had 3 Nancy Drew books in it for my daughter for Christmas. She just kept shaking her head. No, she had never seen a package addressed to me. I know she was lying. But there was nothing I could do.

So I just prayed and asked God to forgive her, and asked God to replace those books that had been stolen from us.

One day this past summer, my mom called from Ohio. She was at a garage sale, and she had found a gold mine of Nancy Drew books. It was a collection of ALL of the Nancy Drew books. She asked if I was interested. YES!!! The price on them was $20.00. My mom took them up and was about to pay for them, and then she said, “Oh, I forgot to try to talk you down!” The woman said, “Oh, yeah, you did. Well, how about I give them to you for $15.” So my mom got all 56+ books for $15. I had paid about that for the 3 books that got “lost” last Christmas. And my mom is always so generous to me, she would never ask me to pay her for those. They were a gift to me and Anna.

We got 56 books, all of the Nancy Drew books, for the same price that I would have paid for 3 of them. And we were given them as a gift.

God provided exceedingly abundantly above what I could ask or think!

Now Anna has some duplicate Nancy Drew books that she has been able to give to her friends as birthday presents. That makes her happy, too.


  1. I LIVE the ways Jesus loves us…. as we choose to forgive and release He pours out blessings to us… THANKS for sharing Penney!!!!

    1. Thank you, Darla, for visiting me from Bethlehem!!!! I’ve been reading your notes on Facebook. What an adventure! You guys are definitely living the dream! Thank you for commenting. You made my day!

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