Early American Lapbook – Close-up of Booklets

These are some of the booklets from the Early American lapbook we did from Hands of a Child. They demonstrate how a lapbook can be used by different aged children at the same time. The younger children can do the more basic, simple booklets while the older children write longer reports and go more in-depth into topics.

The teacher can let children choose the topics they want to write about or assign a booklet based on the length or difficulty of the task. I have found that lapbooks have been one of the only ways I can get some of my boys to write anything. They sometimes resist at first, but then they usually do a good job and feel proud of their accomplishment.

Anna's cover for magazine
One of the boys wrote about George Washington
Morgan wrote about Daniel Boone
Shawn wrote about Benjamin Franklin
booklet about the Star Spangled Banner

Anna filled in the answers about the Star Spangled Banner.

booklet about the Lewis and Clark Expedition
Shawn wrote about Lewis and Clark
close-up of Shawn's writing about Lewis and Clark
Shawn's report about Captain John Smith
More from Shawn's report
Last part of Shawn's report
Kelsey labeled the Thirteen Colonies

Morgan also wrote a story called, “My Day with Davy Crockett” which I posted here. He wrote this in conjunction with this Early American lapbook.


  1. Wow! I feel afraid & like crying, here. This seems so over my head. What if we just copied what you did here since we’re just beginning? I feel certain everyone else already HAS an Early America lapbook. I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me. The Greater One lives in ME:)

    1. Oh Pam, I am no further along than you are. I had to start with the little I understood about lapbooks and then just jump in, the same way you have.
      I have always used lapbooks that other people put together. I bought this one, including booklets from http://www.handsofachild.com.

      I have used a lot from http://lapbooklessons.com. The booklets are right there for you to print and then have your kids fill out. They often show you where to place them in the lapbook and even how to build your lapbook. Just go to some of these sites and watch their videos. I had no clue what I was doing. I did a Creation lapbook at lapbook lessons first and then some pre-packaged ones I got for free.

      You are off to a great start. And, like you said, the Greater One lives in YOU!

  2. Hi Penney! I MISS YOU, TOO! We all do. I was reading this post and I didn’t remember I’d read it before so when I saw my comment I was like, “hmm…I feel about the same way.” Why do I feel like crying when I read this? It’s so beautiful! I think you’re an excellent teacher & mom, Penney. I’m always calling you my mentor but I hardly do what you’re doing. I do try. It really feels too over my head! :):) Oh boy. Ok, this is a comment box & totally not for personal conversation, right-lol! Please say Hi to your sweet babies for us & to your young ladies & gentlemen:)

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