Morgan’s Notebook – Using Notebooking in Our Homeschooling

Pages from Homeschool in the Woods Colonial Time Travelers used with our study of Early America.

From Homeschool in the Woods History Through the Ages Timeline Figures

We print these Homeschool in the Woods timeline figures in a big size and use them as notebook pages.  We do them along with our Bible reading.

Map of Israel from Knowledge Quest Maps.

We got this from Living Books Curriculum.

Also from Living Books Curriculum

This is from Barry Stebbing’s Lamb’s Book of Art

Morgan wanted to study birds so I found him some unit studies on birds.

A-Z Birds of North America for Beginning Bird Watchers by

He read lots of books for the Library Summer Reading Program.

From Virginia Donahue at Proverbs 22:6 Academy

He asked a question about the water cycle, so I found this page from for him.

He wanted to study Rocks and Minerals, so I found this activity at Home School Launch. The Earth’s Structure printable is here.

Declaration of Independence copywork from Lynda Ackert at Christian Home School Hub

Some of these materials were free. The timeline figures from Homeschool in the Woods I bought. I also bought the book of historical maps from Knowledge Quest. Many of these materials were freebies from Lynda Ackert makes great freebies, too. Homeschool Launch has free stuff. Lots of sites have free printables. You can do a search for printables and find lots. Enchanted Learning has some nice ones, but there is a yearly fee. Homeschool Share has free stuff.

It is very easy to use unit studies and notebooking as your curriculum. And very affordable!

One Comment

  1. Penney,

    I think your love of your children’s efforts really shines through when you post their work. I love to look at it! You obviously work hard to provide such a nice variety of subject matter for them. Congrats to all the young ones on their accomplishments, and keep up the learning!


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