Another Abortion Clinic Closes Down

The tide seems to have turned.  Americans know that life is precious, and it starts at conception.  They know that there is no difference between a baby  in the womb and a baby that’s been delivered.  Why should we put superhuman efforts into saving the life of one but actively work to kill the other?  Does the mother’s choice really carry that much weight?  Does anybody have the right to make that choice?  Americans are really thinking about it and are seeing the truth that they were blind to for a while.  They seem to be waking up.  Not just Americans, but America is where I live so I know the most about it.

One of the biggest influences in changing public opinion in recent years is 40 Days for Life.  They are changing minds by praying in front of abortion clinics.  They just pray quietly.  And hold signs that tell what they’re praying about.  And their prayers are working.  Read about some more victories that have been won through the recent Fall campaign and how you can help.


From Shawn Carney, 40 Days for Life

If you listened to the TIPPING POINT webcast and
teleconference on Tuesday evening, you heard about
the many AMAZING victories God provided in response
to your prayers during 40 Days for Life …

… Then Thursday, I asked you to pray about an
abortion center in Michigan that is on the verge of
closing — becoming the NINTH abortion facility to
shut its doors forever following a 40 Days for Life
campaign outside its doors.

Well, the prayer was answered — but not in the way I
was expecting! It turns out the ninth abortion center
closing has already been recorded — in Seattle,

“In Seattle our first and second 40 Days campaigns
took place in front of the Planned Parenthood
facility nearest the University of Washington,” said
Aaron, who led those campaigns in Seattle.

During the second campaign, that center stopped doing
surgical abortions. Planned Parenthood then put the
facility up for rent — and now their web site
confirms this location is permanently CLOSED!

“God is good,” said Aaron, “and He honors prayer!”

The abortion facility in Sacramento, California that
was the site of a 40 Days for Life campaign this fall
is also struggling right now …

The clinic manager and two other clinic employees
were just laid off by the clinic owner due to
“dwindling finances” at the clinic.

“Their client numbers were dropping,” said Wynette,
the 40 Days for Life leader in Sacramento, “so budget
cuts had to be made.”

Wynette added, “The clinic manager did tell me that
only three employees remain and that they are open
for business, but that business is REALLY down.”

Members of the 40 Days for Life team have offered to
assist the three former workers, knowing it isn’t
easy to be without a job as Thanksgiving and
Christmas are approaching.

Wynette also said, “we continue to pray for
conversion of hearts and minds, so that this
employment layoff becomes a life-long detachment
from the abortion industry.”

Those are just two more breaking news stories that
show why it is so important for the work of 40 Days
for Life to keep growing.

To hear a short, inspiring audio recording of three
more of this fall’s local 40 Days for Life campaigns
sharing the blessings they experienced (including
another abortion facility closing) go to:

IMPORTANT UPDATE! One of the big announcements from
Tuesday night’s “Tipping Point” webcast is that a
small group of generous supporters have put forward a
matching grant of $100,000 …

… So every gift received between now and midnight
next Tuesday, November 23 — up to the $100,000 amount
— will be DOUBLED!

We’re four days into the seven-day matching period
and thus far, we’ve received one-time gifts and
monthly pledges amounting to $47,860 — a great
start, but a bit less than half. We certainly don’t
want to miss out by not hitting the match.

Please help TODAY if at all possible — and thank you
to everyone who has given already!!

For Life,

Shawn Carney
Campaign Director
40 Days for Life

PS: Here are the links for contributing to 40 Days
for Life today — and having your gift doubled while
helping to reach that $100,000 matching challenge.

One-time gift:

Monthly pledge:

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