Thanks and Giving Trees

We made a lapbook called A Season for Giving Thanks by Pleasant Ridge Publishing for Thanksgiving last year. The twins and our neighbor’s daughter did it.

I finally thought of a good cover for it today! I used our extra copies of the Thanks and Giving Trees that we used for Thanksgiving 2 years ago. I put the Thanks tree on the front cover and the Giving tree on the back cover. Each of the kids named something they’re thankful for and put a leaf on the Thanks tree. Then they told us something they did that was helpful and put a leaf on the Giving tree. I got these printables from:

As I went through the lapbook with Garrett today, he knew all the answers.

You can see both the front and back cover at the same time here. This way it reads “Giving Thanks”.

The booklets give younger children a good introduction to the main themes of the Pilgrims and the Indians and the First Thanksgiving.

Front cover of Thanksgiving lapbook

Back cover of lapbook

We also played this game. We had to answer questions to go from England to America on the Mayflower. I think I got it from In the Hands of a Child in their free stuff.

We study about the Pilgrims and Thanksgiving every Thanksgiving, and we always manage to learn new things. There are lots of different ideas about how Thanksgiving actually started in our country. But it always comes down to being thankful for our blessings and directing our gratitude to the One who made us.

No matter what situation you are in this season, remember that God is in control. He is our loving, heavenly Father who takes good care of his children. He has good plans for you. He will bless you to be a blessing. Waiting for His promises can seem endless, but He really does take you to the other side of the lake, and there will be an end to the storm. Trust Him and with faith and patience inherit the promises.

Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God.

Happy Thanksgiving!   from the Douglas family

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