Ten Kids in Two Rooms!

We have gadgets and gizmos and boxes and books to keep us occupied while we wait for God to show us our new house:

And lots of food and snacks.

Anna’s bag is full of neat things to do.  But I wanted to show how pretty it is.  She made it for her Faith Girlz Club.

The laptop plays DVD’s.  And today we discovered that we can go online with it.  We thought the wireless card didn’t work in it.  A very happy discovery!

We have plenty of toys and stuffed animals.  Penny and Patty take it easy.

Shawn keeps his favorite books in a hat.

The kids and Gary all love Calvin and Hobbes.  One of our sons is a lot like Calvin.

Each child has a unique way of storing his/her treasures.

This is right after Kelsey found Anna’s lost iPod.


  1. Fishies and Animal Crackers…two of our favorite snacks! and I LOVE Calvin & Hobbes! We SO relate to so many of their ‘predicaments!’ 🙂 Thinking of you often. Good to see your update today! ♥

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