I Am So Blessed!

I walked into Walmart tonight and heard “I’m Dreaming of a White Christmas” playing on the speakers. It hit me that I am still not in a house or able to do any of the traditional things we do for Christmas
– and it’s almost Christmas! Tears came to my eyes, but I didn’t let myself get too upset. There are several things that keep me from giving in to self-pity. The news that a Facebook friend and fellow homeschooler lost her young son in a tragic accident Sunday makes my situation seem like the most blessed place I could possibly be in. Safe and sound with every one of my children healthy and whole and close to my heart.

A friend told me about some troubling attitudes in her sons that have hurt her deeply, as they are directed at her personally and make her feel like her family considers her a mean, angry, hateful mother. That, combined with the distressing housing situation she has lived in for the past year, took her to the edge tonight. I prayed with her and reassured her, and again realized that my situation is a blessing from heaven.

I have gotten messages from several people asking about our housing situation. We still haven’t heard anything from the owner of the house we would like to rent. The man who is renting the house called today to ask if I had heard anything from him yet. I told him I hadn’t, and he said that he had an email from him that said he was looking at several applications and he would let him know what he decided. The wonderful man who is currently renting the house has gone to bat for us and told the owner that we would be good renters. He is even willing to move up his moving date so that we can get in as soon as possible. He is waiting to hear from the owner or us and he will call his moving company to come and move him Saturday instead of the previous moving date of Dec. 22nd. He is willing to do this to get us into the house sooner, even though it would cost him a couple hundred dollars more.

Surprise! He’s a Christian, too! He’s Asian. I’m not sure what country he is from, but I never would have assumed that he was a Christian. But he asked me if we were a Christian family. He thought we were, even though we never said a word about it while we were looking at the house. I guess he could just tell. So he has been doing the best he can to help us, his brothers and sisters in Christ, to get into the house. It really touched my heart when I realized what he was doing and was willing to do for us.

And the care and concern that I feel from so many who read my status updates on Facebook and who read my blog has been a blessing that helps me to stay full of hope and faith that God is with us and loves us. He is showing His love for us through His people in so many different ways. I feel your prayers, and I’m strengthened by them. Thank you so much. Thank you for the messages letting me know that you’re praying for us and for the encouragement to my faith. I know that God is up to something wonderful. I can’t wait to see what it is!


  1. I can’t wait to see what ‘wonderful’ God has prepared for you, either!!! So, I’ll just keep reading the posts until I hear the good news! 🙂 I don’t think my wish for a white Christmas is going to happen in Sacramento, CA….so will have to just keep dreaming of one.(I sure do like that song!) And by the way, not only are you ‘so blessed’, but you are a blessing as well. Your testimony of faith and your encouraging words have helped to encourage and build my faith on difficult days. Thank you for your faithfulness. Sure do love you! ♥

  2. I am so sorry you are going through this season Penny…but I see that the Father is revealing a real brother in Christ..wow..how blessed you are to be in His hands and to have Him reveal this wonderful thing to you….
    May you be in housing soon!!!!! And may God keep blessing you to have His fullness of joy and revelation in your life…
    Blessing dear friend!

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