Christmas at the Inn

Here’s the Christmas tree that Kelsey, Anna and Patrick decorated. We heard that it has been knocked down and blown down since they did it, and the hotel clerk had to re-do it, but it’s a tough tree, and for all it has been through, it still looks pretty good.

Fiona was sad because we took her away from Snow Buddies to take this picture.

I don’t know why the pictures are blurry. Maybe it’s because I was shaking so much with excitement. 😉

This is our only Christmas decoration in our hotel room. I got it at Goodwill for 97 cents.

Our Christmas is turning out pretty similar to the first Christmas, except I’m not having a baby.


  1. Thanks for posting pictures of the tree! I’m sorry your christmas isn’t turning out very good=(. We are postponing our christmas until we have our own house, so I try not to think about it-it makes me too sad.=(

    1. I called KCM and got a good prayer. The prayer counselor asked God for wisdom to know where our house is. He also said that we have the victory and we WILL have a good Christmas! Tell your mom to call KCM and put it on speaker phone, or at least listen in with her. 🙂

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