No Room at the Inn

We have been discussing how our situation is similar to the first Christmas. It feels like God overlooked some details in planning our move to York, but we know that’s not true. We know that our battle is not against flesh and blood but against principalities and powers and rulers in high places.

But I called Kenneth Copeland Ministries just now and had a prayer counselor pray with me. He prayed for wisdom from God to let us know where our house is. He said that we have the victory. And he said that we will have a good Christmas. It was very encouraging!

I read the following article on a pro-life site, Father Frank Pavone’s Blog, and it reminded me of the observations that we’ve been making about our situation.

No Room at the Inn

“She laid Him in a manger, because there was no room for them in the inn.” The fact that there was no room for Jesus, Mary, and Joseph in the inn at Bethlehem on the first Christmas should make us wonder. The birth of Christ was planned by God from all eternity, and the details of His birth and life were announced by the prophets. How could God forget to make room for His only Son, the Child who owns the world, and every inch of room in the whole universe?

Obviously, God did this on purpose. There was no room in the inn because God wanted to show that His Son comes as a Savior, to reconcile a world that is at enmity with God. Today, He does not seek an inn; He seeks room in our own hearts and lives.

We are in much prayer today.

Thank you for praying with us.

P.S. Our friend and my dad are on the way here in a moving truck with our furniture and stuff. They’re coming from Ohio. Nelson has a sprained ankle and is walking with a crutch, so when my dad saw his condition, he decided to come with him and help him drive. So they will be here tonight and will stay at this hotel, too. Then we need a place to unload our stuff into tomorrow, with the Lord’s guidance and provision.


  1. No room at the Inn? No room for the birth of The Savior? How very many still do not have room in their “inn” for the new birth, for the Savior? Or for His People. I’m thankful for the evidence in the Word that this is not new. That the turning away of God (by turning away His People) has already been done. There is nothing new under the sun. Joseph and Mary were God’s Chosen. They were turned away. Ultimately the rejection was not so much against Joseph and Mary as it was against the new birth of Jesus. Nope, nothing new under the sun. There are those who reject God’s chosen people still today and they too carry the new birth of the Savior. I’m thankful that God has experienced this treatment Himself and that He is in control of it.

  2. No room at the inn? No room for the birth of the Savior? How very many still do not have room in their “inn” for new birth, for the Savior. Or for His people. I’m thankful for the evidence in the Word that this is not new. That the turning away of God by turning away His people has already been done. There is nothing new under the sun. Joseph and Mary were God’s chosen. They were turned away. Ultimately the rejection was not so much against Joseph and Mary as it was the new birth of Jesus. Nope, nothing new under the sun. There are those who reject God’s chosen people still today and they too carry the new birth of the Savior. I’m thankful that God has experienced this treatment Himself and that He is in control of it.

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