Artistic and Autonomous

My kids like to draw a lot on their own. Sometimes I let them paint, but I have to be close when they do that or the little ones end up painting their hair, the walls and anything else they can reach. Here is a sample of their art projects.

Morgan did this on his own. He just got these two Webkinz. He drew pictures of them from looking at them.

Here are the triceratops and tiger and their friends - and Kelsey and Morgan! They love their Webkinz!

Fiona’s still life

Garrett's still life

I had Garrett and Fiona paint pictures of a couple of the flowers from our Valentines bouquet, and this is what they came up with.

This is the still life they painted.

Anna painted this when I called on the older kids to come and use up the paint that was left after the twins decorated their binders. I don’t like to waste anything!

And Kelsey painted this with leftover paint.

These are their lovely binders. They were plain black and blue when they started out. Not any more!

Kelsey drew all of their Webkinz.

Kelsey has created a character named Cherdy, and she writes comic strips about him. He’s a cute little guy. He kind of reminds me of Eve from Wall-E.

Fiona has been busy today. She loves to draw and make things. She made some bunnies and accessories for them today.

These bunnies are named Flopsy and Mo. The bat's name is Boom.
She made a couch for them and a table. She also made dishes and food for the bunnies. She made a food dish for Boom. He eats from his bowl on the floor.

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