Living by Faith – It’s a Lifestyle

From Kenneth and Gloria Copeland’s daily devotional Faith to Faith:

Mar 13 – Living by Faith– It’s a Lifestyle

“Endure hardness, as a good soldier of Jesus Christ.”
(2 Timothy 2:3)

Times of hardness are inevitable. You need to know that. It’s true that we’ve been redeemed from the curse, and there’s nothing Satan can do to reverse that, but he is going to challenge you on it.

So don’t be surprised when things get tough. Times will come when you have to stand strictly by faith, when you’ll have to speak and act as though what God says is true even when you can’t feel it or see it happening around you. There will be times when everything looks terrible. That’s when you must endure hardness as a good soldier.

So many people hear the word of faith about healing or prosperity and they think, “Hey! I’m going to try that.” Then when the hard times come, they give up and cave in.

Let me warn you, living by faith is not something you try. It’s a lifestyle. You do it when it’s hard. You do it when it’s easy. You do it all the time because you’re not doing it just to get in on the benefits. You’re doing it because you know that faith pleases God (Heb. 11:6).

Things may get a little rough at times, but let me assure you, you’ll always come out on top if you endure hardness as a good soldier. If you refuse to faint and fall away, you will have the victory. The only defeated Christian is the one who quits!

Scripture Study: Numbers 14:1-24

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