Pregnancy Help Centers Offer Help and Hope

REFLECTION by Rev. John Ensor, Heartbeat International

“You have twins. That will be another $350.” She did
not speak English. But she finally understood that
they were telling her to go get more money and return
for her abortion.

She had already given them her rent money. But they
were not about to give her a two-for-one deal. They
told her to get dressed and return with more cash.

A couple, who was praying outside, comforted her.
They brought her to their local pregnancy help center.

The staff quickly saw that her personal circumstances
were so desperate, and immediate, that they would need
direct and ongoing help from local Christians and
churches. They started making calls.

Then they did the ultrasound. It showed there was only
one baby, not two. This abandoned, immigrant, powerless
mother was being exploited. She would do whatever she
was told. Who would know? Who would care?

God calls us to “Rescue the weak and the needy; and
deliver them from the hand of the wicked” (Psalm 82:4).

When you provide an alternative to abortion you are
not only rescuing innocent babies, you are delivering
mothers from the wicked: those who profit in the
shedding of innocent blood. Pray for those who rescue
and deliver daily at your local pregnancy help center.


Father, hear our prayer! Snatch desperate mothers from
the fire. Bring them out of our abortion businesses
and into our pregnancy help centers. Deliver them from
evil. Use us to help them chose life and see your hand
of provision.

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