
Trusting God in the Face of Difficulties

David Wilkerson Today

MONDAY, APRIL 25, 2011


Nothing honors God more than trusting him in the face of difficulties. How
quickly we forget the miracles and past blessings.

In Psalm 106 we see Israel beholding an incredible miracle as the Red Sea caved
in upon the Egyptian army, drowning every soldier. “When they saw the
Egyptians lie in the sea before them, then they believed in God, and sang his
praise.” And the next words that follow are, “They soon forgot his works”
(verse 13).

But we cannot trust our faith to past experiences—we are too forgetful and
recall is too fragile. Past experience alone will not be enough to strengthen
us in present difficulties. We need fresh faith—anchored in a daily supply of
the Word of God—a fresh word from God!

Trust God when facing difficulties and God will trust you with more of his
grace, his all-sufficiency and his strength.

To trust God in the face of dire difficulties requires a venturing
faith—committing all things into his caring hands. There comes a time we must
launch out into the deep and cast every care upon him. This venturing faith is
all-pleasing to him.

Faith is our only hope, our only way out of difficulties. So let us step out
and commit all to him!

Read this devotion online: http://www.worldchallenge.org/en/node/13109

One Comment

  1. Isn’t there an easier way? Maybe you can save this and post it on a day when I am leaping tall buildings and soaring over mountains. Today I just want to go back to bed! :\

    But seriously, thanks for posting, Penney. You are so faithful to post just what I need…just when I need to hear it most! I thank God for you. ♥

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