Currclick Back to Beach Sale and Scavenger Hunt!

Here are some freebies that you get to have some fun finding on Currclick’s site. Look for 8 hidden beach creatures, each containing a freebie. HINT: Like Currclick on Facebook and get hints for finding the freebies. They’re hard to find!

I have used so many resources from Currclick and a majority of them have been freebies. I have so many unit studies in my account there that I could do almost all of my homeschooling for the rest of my homeschooling years just by using the resources that I have stored there. And, like I said, most of them have been free.

What a great resource for homeschoolers Currclick is! Please check out this sale and support them, as well as stocking up on some more freebies. I’ll see you there!

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