September Sale at Well-Planned Day

I love the planner I got last year from Well-Planned Day. I got it in the middle of the year when it was cheaper, but now I have the chance to get it cheaper at the beginning of the year.

They are having a sale through September. You can get 25% off of any of their Well Planned Day products. Just use the coupon code: septsale when you check out.

I have been waiting to order this. I’m so glad I can get it now. It will kickstart my
‘planning and working my plan” for homeschool this year. I can do it without a planner, but I really do like having a place to at least keep a record of what we did after we did it. Some of my use of a planner is slightly reverse of the phrase “planning ahead”. I use it both ways. And I find it to be helpful. Hey, a lot of spontaneous stuff happens in life. And when I have a planner, I have a place to write down what happened. Led by the Spirit, you know.

But, on the other hand, there are times when I’m thinking and ideas start coming for things we can do. If I don’t write them down right away, many of those ideas are lost, sadly never to return. So if I have something set up to record those ideas, I can consult it later, and surprise myself with my brilliance 😛 and actually do the great things the Lord was inspiring me to do. So I use a planner the right way sometimes, too.

Now I can really get started homeschooling. We’ve been reading and doing things, but this will help me get more done. I hate to admit it, but a planner does help me get more done.

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