Dolphin Tale – Light in the Darkness

Here is our chance to light a candle instead of cursing the darkness.

You may know of Sally Clarkson, a wonderful mentor of Christian women, especially homeschool moms.

Her son, Nathan, is working in Hollywood as a Christian with high morals who feels that God has called him to influence the types of movies that Hollywood produces. He wants to give his generation the opportunity to receive good, wholesome messages and inspiration through a medium that they are drawn to and enjoy.

This generation is highly influenced by the media and entertainment industry. Let’s get the light of the gospel and values like integrity, honesty, love for family, value of work, character, self-sacrifice, etc. into the movies that they will watch and take into the fabric of their souls. Their worldview is being shaped by Hollywood. Let’s shape Hollywood by showing them what we really want to see and what we want our children to be watching.

We can do this by going to see this movie in droves!!! According to Sally, their “ultimate goal is to get at least 150,000 individuals out to the movie on opening day at the midday showing, as that number indicates the interest level of people to the executives at Warner Brothers for their projects. This week, our goal is to spread the buzz about this venture and to get thousands and thousands of people to rsvp at the Facebook page that is named: Homeschool Movie Club, as they are seeking the support of support groups, mom’s groups and families.”

So let’s do what we can to support films like this and people like Nathan who are holding onto high values and a close walk with God in the midst of a dark and dying world. They need our help.

And the movie looks like it will be very good. So what do we have to lose?

Here’s the movie trailer:

And here’s a prophetic word from Pamela Carter (Wonder Woman’s sister!) about this very topic:

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