Now I Find I’m Your Choice!

My choice is you, God, first and only.
And now I find I’m your choice!
You set me up with a house and yard.
And then you made me your heir!

Psalm 16:5,6 The Message

Isn’t that an amazing truth?

God chooses me.

God chooses you.

He prepares a place for us and calls us to come to Him.

All we need is child-like faith, to trust Him that He really means what He says – that He really is right here with us.

He’s here. Holding my hand.

Walking beside me, living inside me, sharing my life with me, smiling because He loves being with me.

Let’s go, Daddy. We have some people to love today.

One Comment

  1. Hi Penney! I can’t comment on your giveaway because it keeps giving me an error message….so don’t know if this will work, but am commenting here instead…just in case. 🙂

    I believe Creation Science is ESSENTIAL to teach our children as creation is at the foundation of our Christian faith. If our children don’t know or believe that God created our world…and them, there is not much point in the Christian faith or a reason to believe in God. Some of my favorite resources are Creation magazine, and Apologia curriculum.

    I have been a bit slack in this area this year. Thanks for reminding me of the importance of teaching this to my children. 🙂

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