Morgan Can Play the Violin!

Morgan has wanted to play the violin for about 4 years now. We actually bought him one when we lived in Illinois, but we couldn’t find a teacher, and we really didn’t feel that we could afford lessons anyway. I also didn’t have a car to drive him anywhere.

His first violin was broken in a violent collision with a neighbor kid when it was stored under Morgan’s bed. We bought him another one later, and we kept it up on a high shelf in our closet. I looked for lessons online, but I didn’t have much luck.

I went to watch a concert of a violin group that a friend of Anna’s played in. I talked to the teacher afterward and found out her rates, and it just didn’t seem feasible, plus we knew we were going to be moving soon, so I didn’t think there would be much use in barely getting started and then having to leave.

But I finally decided (as I prayed about this issue) at the beginning of this year that we were in good financial condition and I had transportation, so I should go ahead and find a teacher for Morgan and get him started with violin lessons. He could at least learn how to make the thing make some noise. None of us knew the first thing about the violin, so when we rubbed the bow on the strings and no sound came out, we were baffled.

I looked at the homeschool newsletter and saw an ad for a violin teacher, so I called her. Janet Walsh is her name, and she has been the perfect teacher for Morgan. She encourages him, but she keeps reminding him of good form so that he will learn it the correct way at first instead of learning bad habits that he will have to unlearn later on. By the time I found a teacher for him, he had outgrown his second violin, so now I had to buy him a third violin! I got him a full-size one, and he is doing great with it.

He has been taking lessons for 2 months now, and I’m amazed at the progress he has made.

Here he is!

Take it away, Morgan!

The Lord has done great things for us. He has answered many prayers, and caused many of our dreams to come true!

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