Morgan’s Recital

Getting Ready for the big night.

Morgan got a haircut.

So did Emma, Fiona, Garrett and Abby. Even I got my hair cut.

Waiting for the recital to start.

Doesn’t he look handsome in his tux?

Fancy and proud of it!

His teacher, Mrs. Janet Walsh is in the red jacket.

Here’s the big performance. I missed the first 3 notes in my recording.

Kelsey and Morgan stayed inside a little longer listening to a young man (Mrs. Walsh’s son) play the piano. Before they came out, I got everybody in the van. I was worn out from keeping Emma and Abby out of trouble the whole time. But it was a night to remember and worth every bit of preparation and work. We love you, Mrs. Walsh, and we will always remember you. You gave Morgan the best start with violin that he could have had. You were a wonderful teacher. We hope to find a good one in Texas, but you will always be his first violin teacher.

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