Weekly Wrap-up Oct. 26

Patrick has made a deal with the twins. They have to do Science with him before they’re allowed to play on the XBox. So they look for him to do Science with them so they can get it done and then do the fun things they want to do. They have to do their Phonics, Spelling and Math workbooks before that each day.

This morning I came downstairs and found these creations on the floor. I haven’t asked yet who did them, but I have a feeling it may have been Fiona.

Abby told me she had made some bats and a cave for them to live in.

At first I was looking at them upside down and thought they were happy people. Then I looked at them right side up and saw that they really did look like cute little bats!


We did some Texas history.   I used a unit study from Currclick called “A Gentle Tour of Texas History”.  We learned about the different Indian tribes that were here in Texas before Europeans came here.  We read a book called Indians Who Lived in Texas” by Betsy Warren.  Then the kids had to label the rivers in Texas on a blank map.

Their favorite river name was Prairie Dog Town River.


I read a book to Garrett that I ordered on Amazon.  It’s an old favorite of ours that I used to get from the library when Shawn was young.  It’s called Sitting on the Farm.  Everybody got quiet when I started singing it.  Yes, I said, “singing it”.   It’s a story song.  The older kids then started discussing the story and talking about whether dogs really eat cats and how you would possibly get a bear off of your knee.


You will have to read the book to find out what they were talking about.


You can get it on Amazon:

No, the dog doesn’t eat the cat.  Look carefully at the pictures to see what is really happening.

I love story songs. That reminds me – I need to get copies of two of my favorites that I used to have: Frog Went a’Courtin’ by John Langstaff and Feodor Rojankovsky and Over in the Meadow by the same author and illustrator or the one by Olive A. Wadsworth.


We watched the old movie “The Longest Day” about D-Day the Invasion of Normandy.  John Wayne and a slew of other big stars were in it.  I couldn’t believe how many guys I recognized.  I made sure to clarify throughout the movie who was who and what country they were from and whether they were good guys or bad guys.

The book we’ve been reading about Rees Howells:  Intercessor covered the D-Day invasion as they interceded beginning two months before the day and prayed specifically for the young men from America who came to fight for them.  Rees got the prophetic word, “I am going over before the troops and there will not be a setback.  I will not sheathe the sword until the Charter (the goal of the Allied leaders) is established and the world set free.”  Then Rees and the intercessors at his Bible College prayed from victory the day before D-Day actually occurred. They knew that God would give the Allies the victory and were rejoicing ahead of time. They influenced world events through their intercessory prayers. We read about this today after watching the movie yesterday.  It was a great follow-up to read about the spiritual part of the great battle known as D-Day, the Invasion of Normandy. Reading this book has encouraged us to intercede with faith and power for our nation.

Fiona made some Lego creations using Star Wars Legos. She made a diner, a table full of people and a vehicle that held all of the characters being driven by a storm trooper.

Kelsey and Morgan read this book together:

These are Mother Goose tales that have been re-written by Mary Ann Hoberman in a very entertaining, funny way. The pictures are comical, too. Michael Emberley illustrated it. The readers can read by the colors and do choral reading. One can take the blue parts and the other the purple parts, then they read the red parts in the middle together. Kelsey and Morgan enjoyed it so much, they took the book into a room and read every single story together.

I have linked this post at Weird, Unsocialized Homeschoolers

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