Plant the Seeds and Watch Them Grow

Emma has been the most excited of all the kids about growing her money seeds. Hers are doing the best, too. Her enthusiasm must be contagious, and her seeds have caught it. She has a nice seedling started and lots of little bitty seedlings.



She watered all the pots at first. Then the others complained that she was doing it, so I made her stop.


So she only watered hers, but the others didn’t water theirs, so now she has the best start. The others are starting to see some green seedlings, too.


I reminded them today that these growing seeds remind them that their money is growing in the bank, too.


They have tried to figure out how much 1% is, but it’s not all that encouraging, so I keep telling them they can add more money to their savings account, and it will grow more.


They have been looking for things to do around the house, but they are choosing prizes from the treasure box instead of earning money right now. So their savings accounts might not grow too fast until the treasure box is emptied out!


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