My Birthday! The Big 5-0! Yes, Really.



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Me and my baby. Abby just turned 5 years old on Aug. 6.

Kelsey sent me up to my room so she could make preparations for my birthday.

She had Fiona help the little girls make cards. They were so cute!

Garrett made one, too.




This one is by Abby with a little (or a lot!) of help from Fiona.



No doubt about it: children are a gift from the Lord;
the fruit of the womb is a divine reward.

Psalm 127:3

For my birthday dinner, Gary made hamburgers and french fries for the whole family. He is a really good cook. Then Kelsey made me a Hot Fudge Pudding Cake. It was delicious.

Then Garrett asked if I wanted to watch Fireproof. I hadn’t even thought about it, but that sounded like a great idea. So we ended the evening by watching Fireproof together. Gary even sat by me through most of it and watched it with us!

Kelsey made sure I had a good birthday this year. I usually don’t get much attention on my birthday, because I’m usually the party planner, but Kelsey has stepped into a new role, and she is making sure that every one of us gets our moment in the spotlight.

Thank you, Kelsey, for making my birthday so special!

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