A Highly Unusual Find – Newborn Skunk

Shawn and Kelsey took a walk today. Look what they found!


We weren’t sure if it was a badger or a skunk, so we looked it up. Patrick looked up images of a newborn badger and a newborn skunk. We saw the split in the white streak and realized that it was a skunk.


Patrick looked up the number for the Animal Shelter and called them. They gave us another number to call, and nobody was there since it was Sunday, but we will call them tomorrow, and they will probably send somebody to pick it up.


So now we are trying to keep this poor, little baby alive. He must be less than 2 weeks old. Kelsey fed him milk with an eye dropper and held him for a long time. Now Katie is taking over feeding and holding him.


He is very cute. He looks like a newborn puppy.


His eyes aren’t even open yet. Patrick has been doing a lot of research on the care of newborn skunks, so he is our resident expert.

This is the most unusual find we have ever had on a nature walk!

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