Giveaway of YA Christian novel: The Sparrow Found a House

Are you looking for a good book for your teenager that is interesting and relevant, yet teaches good morals and values?

Elisha Press is running a “blitz giveaway” of some signed softcover books. Five copies of “The Sparrow Found A House,” autographed by author Jason McIntire, will be given away on Saturday night. You can enter with just your email address here: .

“The Sparrow Found A House” is a Christian novel targeted toward young adults, but advertised to be suitable for all ages. The author is a 2005 homeschool graduate, and homeschooling plays a major role in the story. Here’s the synopsis from the back of the book:

Fifteen-year-old Jessie Rivera is living every teenager’s nightmare. Her widowed mom has married a man who wears his heavy Christian values like his sergeant’s stripes – on both sleeves.

Glenn Sparrow is persistent, immovable, and not afraid to be firm. Worse than that, he’s loving, kind – even fun – and he has Chris, Moe, and Katie completely won over.

But Jessie is determined that she won’t be won over, or give up her “freedom” without a fight. She knows what she wants, and it isn’t what they’ve got.

Or is it?

Reviewers have used phrases such as “realistic,” “true to life,” “believable,” and “hard-hitting but understandable” to describe The Sparrow Found A House. All seem to agree that it’s a little different from most Christian fiction.

Be sure to get your entry in soon, as the giveaway ends at 8PM Central on Saturday: .

On their website, you can read the story online for free! I just did, and I really liked this story. It takes you through the process of a family becoming a godly, loving family, as they leave behind the ways of the world. They change step by step, and one of those steps is to start homeschooling their children. Many realistic life situations happen to them as they struggle to make this transition. They encounter turbulence from without and within their family. They face opposition to their efforts, but they continue to pray and ask God for strength and wisdom, and He takes them from glory to glory.

It is a very good story.

I still really like books I can hold in my hand, so I would like to buy the softcover book. I would like for my kids to read the story, and they would be more likely to read it if we have a physical copy of it. I may just read the story to all of them. It’s that good!

You can also get free digital copies of the story at their website here.

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