What Do We Remember in November? The Pilgrims, Of Course!

During November, the days can be gray and things can seem kind of slow and draggy. Well, I have a solution for you! Do a unit study about Thanksgiving during the whole month of November.

There are many fun things you can do in the days leading up to Thanksgiving. You don’t have to wait until the week or the few days before Thanksgiving to start studying the Pilgrims. You can start studying them right now. There is a lot to learn about these amazing ancestors of ours.

If you want to integrate a study of the Pilgrims into your homeschool day, an easy, fun way to do it is to listen to audios of the stories of the Pilgrims. A wonderful way to do this would be to listen to a chapter or a couple of chapters each day from a book about the Pilgrims like the book from Yesterday’s Classics called “Stories of the Pilgrims”.

I just happen to know where you can get such a set of audios! Jim Hodges has recorded the book “Stories of the Pilgrims” and you can get it on sale for $15 during the month of November at Jim Hodges Audio Books.

We have been listening to “The Stories of the Pilgrims” for a couple of weeks now. The stories have children as the main characters, so children can relate to them well. They start all the way back at Scrooby, England when the Separatists were being persecuted by King James for not attending worship services at the Church of England. The stories are entertaining and poignant.

We experience with them the fear and frustrations of trying to escape from England and the tyranny of King James. Many details and small incidents are included to make the story come alive.

One personal connection for us was the part where the Pilgrim children saw the wheels on the roofs of the houses so that storks could build nests on them. This was during the leg of the journey when they went to Holland seeking religious freedom. We were reminded of “The Wheel on the School” which we just read a couple of weeks ago. We loved that story!

There are nice descriptions of people and places that the Pilgrims encountered along the way. Listening to these audios is a good way to learn about geography and other cultures as well as learning about the Pilgrims who came to America in 1620.

It is an excellent way to learn about the background of the search for religious freedom, the culture and geography of England and Holland, and the hardships that the Pilgrims suffered as they relocated to a whole new continent to settle where they could live as Englishmen but worship as they pleased.

Here is a great chance to get these audios at a great price – $15, plus a bonus study guide for only $5. Get both for $20! You can even sample the first chapter for free in an audio download.

Jim Hodges is offering his audio recordings of “The Stories of the Pilgrims” at a special price of $15 during the month of November.
See details of the sale here.

Plus, I have a great giveaway to tell you about!

You won’t believe how much is included in this giveaway!

This will keep you and your kids busy for more than just the month of November (happily busy, I might add!).

If you win this giveaway, I think you will be full of THANKSGIVING!



We are now offering a 2nd place prize. The 2nd place winner will receive all of the G. A. Henty audio downloads!!!

The stories by G. A. Henty are some of the best historical fiction you will ever hear. They are stories that feature a young hero during a certain era of time told by a fantastic storyteller that will keep you on the edge of your seat. Jim Hodges has recorded 20 of them. This would be a delightful addition to your homeschool repertoire. You would be very blessed to win this!



The winner of this incredible homeschool giveaway will receive one of each download offered through Jim Hodges Audio Books! This is an amazing prize worth over $700 and featuring hundreds of hours of quality listening for your family.

This is what you could win:

Huge Giveaway of Jim Hodges’ audios

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