Christmas Surprises – Good and Bad





List of Christmas surprises in the last couple of days:

I got some inspiration from friends on Facebook for hanging the snowflakes.

Kelsey did a lot of decorating on her own.

We got a real Christmas tree for the first time in 10 years.

We put lights outside for Christmas for the first time ever!

Gary lost his job today.

BUT we know that God has a plan, and we are still walking in His blessing, no matter how it looks. So we are asking for prayer for direction and open doors again.

Thank you for praying with us.

Please pray in faith, not in fear, because we know that whatever comes out of fear is not of faith. And we know that God honors faith-filled prayers. We show Him that we trust Him when we pray with expectancy that He will answer us.

I will let you know so you can rejoice with us in the wonders that God is going to perform for us in the coming weeks.

Merry Christmas!

Gary said that all of the decorations have lifted his heart and given him hope. He is doing very well in spite of the news he got today. Praise the Lord!


  1. Dear Penney,
    I join with you in faith filled, hope filled prayers, knowing God loves and cares for you!

    I love you and am truly sorry for your many struggles over these last years. I can tell you with great confidence that ALL things most certainly work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to His purpose. Our Heavenly Father has promised never to leave nor forsake us, and when Jesus ascended He left His Spirit, The Holy Spirit, The Comforter to dwell in ALL who believe …. repented, born again and saved by the blood of The Lamb! Trust in The Lord with ALL your heart and Len not upon your own understanding and He will be faithful to direct your path! No strength needed! In our weakness it is His strength that is perfected!

    I do not know not the details but I know the Mighty and Loving One Who will guide, direct, provide and Who loves you all more than you will ever be able to imagine! Do all you know to do, believing and trusting and in due time you will partake of the fruit of your labors and God’s great miracles!

    Praying with you …. I was going to say “standing with you,” but I think I will instead say, kneeling with you, before the Throne of God believing, in love and with great hope for faith, peace comfort, and joy during this lag of your journey and for miraculous provisions!

    Humbly yours,
    Faith, grace, peace and joy,

    1. Thank you, Kathleen. I know you understand, and I appreciate your words, and I feel the love behind them. Thank you for being a loving, caring friend and most of all for your prayers with us for God to open wonderful doors for our family.

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