Valentine’s Day Ideas


Valentine’s Day is coming quickly! If you need some ideas for ways to celebrate it in your homeschool, check out these ideas.

Here is a Freebie for Copywork!

Valerie at The Crafty Classroom shows us how to make a cute Valentine that includes a hidden cross in the middle of it. It makes a very pretty craft that you could use as a card. She also has Valentine’s Day Bible Verse Coloring Pages at her blog The Crafty Classroom.


Apples 4 the Teacher has lots of ideas here.

Here are some online games with a Valentines Day theme.

I got a waffle iron that made heart-shaped waffles and served those for breakfast on Valentine’s Day. The kids loved those!

Fiona put hers together to create a butterfly!

If you want your kids to make some beautiful hearts during the days leading up to Valentines’ Day, I have pinned lots of beautiful, colorful hearts that are easy to draw and make on Pinterest. You can find them here on my Pinterest board.

I made this one myself after looking through lots of hearts on Pinterest.

My warm heart on cool background

Of course, you will want to cover the history of Valentine’s Day, too. It is very interesting and spiritually encouraging. St. Valentine was a real bishop who lived around 270 A.D. in Rome. The Roman emperor had banned marriage because he wanted men to be soldiers who were only focused on fighting for the empire, not concerned about family. But Bishop Valentine knew this was wrong and unfair to couples that were in love and wanted to be married. So he performed marriage ceremonies for them in secret. But he was found out and imprisoned. His jailer heard that he could work miracles, so he brought his blind daughter to Valentine. He taught her about God and prayed for her, and she was healed. Her family loved the bishop and wanted his life to be saved, but the emperor had him put to death for his beliefs. This may not sound that encouraging to some. But to me, it illustrates again that God does do miracles, and he uses them to draw people to Himself. People are looking in all the wrong places for a supernatural experience, and I want to tell as many people as I can that we serve a living God who cares about our needs, and He will suspend natural laws for His children to answer their prayers and heal their sicknesses and diseases and do other miracles for them.

You can read more about the history here at this webpage, The Holiday Spot.

Many people celebrate romantic love and friendship on this day. I prefer to make it about love for our family. We make valentines for each other, and I do nice things for my children to let them know I love them. I encourage them to look for ways to show extra love to each other, too. My husband usually gets me something, and we go out if we can. But throughout the day, I like to do special things for the kids and am even more intentional in letting them see how much I love them and how much God loves us.

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