Dolphin Tale 2

Dolphin Tale 2 is a new movie that I can’t wait to go see. We are going to see it tomorrow or the next day.

The sequel to Dolphin Tale, a movie that is very homeschool-friendly and promotes homeschooling, is now in theaters. It is called, not surprisingly, Dolphin Tale 2.

My children and I saw Dolphin Tale in the theater 3 years ago and really enjoyed it. It was very well-made and entertaining. The girl star of the movie is homeschooled in real life and in the movie. We went to support movies that are family-friendly, homeschool-friendly and actually promote homeschooling. I like to support really good causes. We all really thought the movie was good.

Now the same cast and producers have made the sequel, and it looks like it will be just as good, if not better, than the first one.

The movie sees the return of Morgan Freeman, Ashley Judd, Harry Connick, Jr., Kris Kristofferson, and the two kids who played the main characters in the first film, Dolphin Tale. Both movies revolve around a real dolphin named Winter who had a tail injury and would have died if the people at an aquarium in Florida had not rescued her and taken extreme measures to invent a prosthetic tail for her.

This new movie involves finding a friend for Winter, and there is a lot of dramatic action and comedic elements throughout the film. The subtitle of the movie is Winter Has Hope.

I am sure it will be a very good movie from the reviews I have read. And if I must say so myself, I am pretty good at picking winners of movies. Just ask my husband! He has been very surprised at the quality of the movies I have chosen for us to see lately.

There is a club for homeschoolers who enjoy watching good movies as a family. They have a website and a page on Facebook. It is called The Homeschool Movie Club. They have developed a free curriculum for Dolphin Tale 2. You can find it here at this link.

To access the free curriculum, just register for free at the homeschool movie club website, and then go to the page for the free curriculum and click on the Dolphin Tale 2 tab. It is made up of informative videos about dolphins and other sea animals and the work of Clearwater Marine Aquarium.

Winter’s story is very inspirational to people, especially children, who have special needs, and many of them travel to the aquarium to see Winter and receive inspiration and encouragement from the dolphin who fought for life and learned a new way to live with a new kind of tail. The tail felt “weird” at first, but she adapted and now lives an active, full life with her adopted family.

I’ve found a blog post that gives lots of links to resources to go with Dolphin Tale 2. Here is the LINK.

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