Blessings That May Help You Through Life’s Ups and Downs

Arthur Burk speaks blessings over our spirit each day.

Here are samples of blessings that he prays.

Blessing 29

I bless you with victory over the enemy.
Spirit, I bless you with the joy of regularly seeing Satan’s plan to destroy people turned upside down and God bringing good out of painful circumstances. I bless you with seeing the problems Satan brings into the world used by God to reveal new wisdom, grace, strength, and freedom as God makes a public spectacle of His enemy and yours. I bless you with God’s perspective on pain and suffering. I bless you with partnering with God for His purposes using problems as a platform to see Him work in ways that are unmistakably God. I bless you in the name of the One who triumphed on the cross.

Blessing 20

I bless you with a focus on the prize.
Spirit, as much as you are loved you have experienced pain. You are part of a great battle against the enemy of the Most High God. I bless you with the ability to have joy that transcends pain. I bless you with a clear picture of what is before you, the things God has called you to do so you can endure pain to get there. The enemy will magnify the pain and cause you to focus on it but I bless you with being aware of the joy set before you. I bless you with sufficient understanding of that joy so you will not count the cost but will pay the price. I bless you in the name of Jesus who is the prize.

I have needed these blessings lately as I continue to deal with life and health challenges.

I hope these blessings bless you, too!


  1. Hi Penney,
    I stumbled across your blog today looking for Brad and Melba Burk’s teachings on Blessings. Wow! What a blessing! The two you have posted here could not have been more appropriate for me. I have just been through an amazing trial where the enemy kept trying to get me focus on the problem. But God (Jesus)truly triumphed!
    THEN I read the second one and you will not believe this. Just this very morning on the way to work I prayed, “God I need my joy restored. I feel like a robot checking to-do’s off my list daily and falling into bed only to get up and start on the next list. I need to be filled with the joy of my salvation.” I got to work and began meditating on what my salvation means – eternal life in glory that is supposed to start here and now. I began to remember that incredible joy that came on me when my eyes were opened 22 years ago and realized my eternity was secure in Christ my Savior.
    This blessing sealed it! Thank you and God bless you with the fruit of your labor!

    1. Hi Amy! I’m so glad these blessings blessed you today! God is so Good! He knows what we need and when we need it. I feel blessed and honored that He chose to use me and my blog to help you.

      Have a BLESSED day!!!

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