Think for Yourself

We homeschoolers are very independent thinkers, most of us. We have learned to think for ourselves. Many of us think outside of the box. I believe this must be true or we wouldn’t be homeschooling in the first place.

women in college

But if you are a young mom and went to college in recent years, you might want to check the information you were given and the prevailing attitudes that may have been passed onto you while you were attending college.

I have met many young women in the past couple of years who were college graduates whose thinking has been affected by political correctness, and they are not even aware of it.

One of the main areas of concern to me has been the notion that the Founding Fathers had good intentions, but they were misguided. Not so!!!

I, personally, would question almost everything I was taught if I went to a secular college in the last 10 years. In case you are not aware of it, the Progressives have taken over the public education institutions, including the colleges and universities. Liberal ideas and ideals are prevalent, and their attitudes are taught and proliferated by professors. I wouldn’t even trust some of the Christian colleges. Liberalism is everywhere!

Today’s culture is saturated with celebrity worship and being hip and cool and getting your information from CNN, Huffington Post and movies and TV and from other hip young moms who know what you’re going through because they are going through it, too. At the same time. For the first time.

I don’t know about you, but I like to learn from those who are a little further along in the journey and can give me some pointers, tips and advice so that I may avoid some of the pitfalls and mistakes that homeschooling moms commonly make.

American History

Here is a tip I would offer to new homeschooling moms:

Before you start teaching History to your little ones, read through some History books that are written by and for homeschoolers.

You might find that the History you were taught and whole courses you took in college are filled with liberal, Progressive, Socialist ideas that are not biblical or godly or even historically accurate.

These ideas may have already been fed to you in earlier grades and in high school and junior high. The historical revisionists have been busy for a long time. They have been “making” history for a long time. Literally. They have been changing the way history is viewed and who the “heroes” are that are studied. They have been changing textbooks. They have been writing about political issues from a liberal perspective.

If you get your information from the media and learned your history in public school, please do a check-up of the facts and read History from a Christian perspective written by Conservative authors who have researched original documents and writings. You may have to re-educate yourself.

These are some sources and authors that you might read to help you prepare:

American History

Hillsdale College has a free American Heritage course you can take HERE and other courses studying The Constitution and The Federalist Papers.

Heroes of History by Geoff and Janet Benge

Wallbuilders by David Barton

All-American History

Tons of American History resources are listed HERE!

Ancient History and World History

History Revealed by Diana Waring

Mystery of History

Beautiful Feet Books

Truthquest History

Honour of Kings by Ellen Gerwitz

If you didn’t like History when you studied it in high school and college, get ready for a big surprise!

When you study it by reading living books about it and read it with an eye toward seeing God’s hand in the events and people of the past, you may find that History is now your favorite subject!

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