My Heart, His Garden

I planted a garden today.

My new flower bed

I helped Garrett plant his garden a couple of weeks ago.




Garden is the theme of the hour.

God is telling us to go back to the garden.

As I said before, so many things can be compared to a garden that I became overwhelmed with the enormity of the task of writing about a garden. I felt that the Lord was leading me to write about a garden, but I didn’t know which aspect of a garden He wanted me to address.

I think I have gotten some clarity on that now.

God delights in gardens and views each of his children as a garden.

My heart of hearts is a garden. It is God’s garden.

I meet Him there sometimes when I worship wholeheartedly.

When I enter into His presence.

Do you know what I mean when I say that I feel God’s presence when I worship?

Have you experienced a peace that passes understanding, a love that encompasses everyone around you and all that you know, as you focus on the Lord and His majesty, as you picture Him seated on the throne and the angels bowing before Him in worship and feel His holiness and power emanating from the throne?

There is a song by Misty Edwards that beautifully describes the secret garden inside of each of us where God will meet with us alone, if we will meet Him there. This takes some time, effort and Holy Spirit-inspired and empowered prayer to really enter into. If you are not aware that it’s even a possibility, you may never attempt to meet with the Lord in the secret garden of your heart.

Here is that song with some pictures of gardens to help inspire your imagination of what a garden inside of your heart might look like.

Adam and Eve walked and talked with God in the coolness of the day in the Garden of Eden.

They lost access to the garden when they sinned. Hence, all of mankind lost access to it. But after Jesus died and carried our sins away, He gave us access to the Father again. We can have relationship and fellowship with God, His Father – our Father – because the veil that separated us from Him is no longer there. The veil was ripped from top to bottom when Jesus was crucified.

Now we can walk with God in the cool of the day again.

We can meet with Him in the garden by worshiping Him and praying. We stay there until we sense His presence. We listen for His voice. We get revelation from Him. Then we carry that revelation with us as we go into our daily activities.

But we never really have to leave His presence. He lives inside of us, so we take His presence with us wherever we go.

We must do our part. If you have the baptism of the Holy Spirit, you must really exercise your spiritual gifts that come with that and pray in your prayer language. Often. Every day. Not just every once in a while.

In this way, we can war from the garden, from the inside out.

And we can take the land or territory that God has told us to as we spent that time with Him in the garden of our heart of hearts.

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