How Plexus Has Helped Me

I felt like I was slowly dying. I had no energy. I had lots of brain fog. It was hard for me to plan or think ahead to what I needed to do. I couldn’t be this way. I had 10 kids to take care of all by myself.


Then I got vertigo. I was so sick for three days, I really did think I was dying, and I wanted to. I was the only one who could drive because Gary was working in another state. I almost called 911. But I eventually recovered enough to get out of bed. The Lord sustained me. I couldn’t keep any food down for those 3 days. I laid in bed and watched Sid Roth videos of testimonies of healing for the next week. I finally tried to get up. The thought of trying to walk downstairs terrified me. I was so afraid of falling. When I did finally start walking around I looked like I was drunk.


I went to South Carolina to visit Gary in that condition. I slept most of the time that we were there. I couldn’t enjoy anything because I could hardly hold myself up or walk straight.

I tried different things to help get my balance back. Eventually things got better, like the ringing in my ears got quieter, I could walk very slowly and carefully, and the room stopped spinning.

I thought that things would improve a lot when we moved to Texas. But they didn’t. In certain places even now, when I get out of the car I feel light-headed and almost faint. I have to walk very carefully.


My digestion basically stopped. I felt like my whole body was just quitting. My tummy kept sticking out further. I wasn’t eating much of anything. Just walnuts. My stomach hurt every night when I laid down in bed. I couldn’t sleep because of the pain and discomfort. I couldn’t breathe through my nose at night, so I would stop breathing and wake up. Sleep was not working for me.

I started taking Plexus in January of 2015. My digestion improved right away. I started to feel more normal. I still wasn’t hungry like I should be, but at least I had times when I felt a twinge of hunger. I started to have some days where I had a little bit of energy, and I even got some ideas of things we could do. I was able to think a little bit more clearly.

I was able to get a little more active. I lost 10 pounds.

The support of my digestion is the biggest benefit I have experienced. I feel hunger more often now. My tummy has flattened. I don’t feel pain when I lay down at night. My clothes are looser and feel more comfortable now.

I no longer feel like I am dying. Instead of feeling like my body is shutting down, it feels like it is coming back to life.

It took years for me to get in that sorry condition, and now it is taking some time for me to recover.


I feel so much better now than I did right after I was struck by vertigo. I feel a lot better than I did when we first moved to Texas four years ago.

I am so thankful that I found Plexus. This is one of the best things about our move here.


I found Plexus in Texas. And I’m so glad I did!


If you want to know more about Plexus or how you can try the products, or join the business like I have, you can go to my website at


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