Poetry Teatime: The One Where Daddy and Emma Read Together

Gary and Emma read a book called “Ask Me” together. This book is by Bernard Waber, who is known for his book, “Ira Sleeps Over”.  The audio is not good because of a video game playing in the background interfering with the sound. Sorry about that! I didn’t know until I listened to the replay. I will make sure nothing is playing in the background the next time I record a video or do a scope. We also have some squeaky doors in our house. I hadn’t noticed how noisy they are until I listened to this replay.


Abby spins her eyes around and around and says she is seeing the world!


And I read a poem by Jack Prelutsky called “The Lynx of Chain”, from the book, “Behold the Bold Umbrellaphant”.


Then Morgan reads a poem called “Me” by Walter de la Mare and another one called “Life Doesn’t Frighten Me” by Maya Angelou.


Watch the video here:




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