Why Ninja Sheep Should Educate Their Children at Home

This post addresses the 7 Mountain Paradigm that Lance Wallnau teaches about and how we should go secretly into the Education mountain and gain influence over it.

How do ninjas train? Do they go to a large, public institution to be trained? I don’t think so. We are supposed to be ninja sheep, right? So shouldn’t we be trained in a private, separate school instead of a large, public school that happens to be in our neighborhood paid for by taxpayers?

Shouldn’t we have specialized training in spiritual warfare, biblical wisdom, and godly character? And shouldn’t parents be mentors to their own children to help them discover their gifts and talents and callings and election and help them get the training and instruction they need to increase their skills and knowledge in whatever God is calling them to do?

This would be a mini-church in the home. Training the next generation in specialized training centers called home. With mentors called Mom and Dad.

Then we won’t lose so many of our children to liberal, secular humanistic thought. They won’t turn against their parents’ ideas and teaching and beliefs. They won’t be turned into socialists because of being exposed to that teaching day in and day out and propagandized and indoctrinated by professors of socialistic, liberal, humanistic thought. They won’t be swayed or persuaded by professors that ridicule the beliefs of their parents and the generations that came before them. They will be grounded in the faith of their fathers. Or at least they will be more likely to if the groundwork of faith in God has been laid in their hearts by their mothers and fathers every day at home. They will have a foundation to stand on that includes the word of God and the power of the Holy Spirit in their hearts.

We can train them up in the way that they should go. We can teach them God’s ways and principles. Then when they are older and mature enough to stand against false teaching and temptations of the enemy, we can send them out as arrows aimed at the target that God has set for them. We can shoot them toward the mountain that God has called them to, and they will be more likely to hit the mark than those that have been trained by godless teachers who mock and criticize God and their parents and tell them that their parents are old-fashioned fuddy duddies with outmoded, outdated, obsolete beliefs that are no longer relevant.

This is a summary of my reasons for believing that homeschooling is the best form of education for Christian parents to provide for their ninja sheep children.

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