Praying for Your Husband: 6 Prayer Priorities for a Godly Marriage

I’m incredibly honored to be a part of the blog series about marriage at Angel Penn’s blog this month. The series has been going on all through the month of February, the month of Valentines Day with its emphasis on love. The series is called 28 Days of Godly Marriage #TheJourneyThroughIDo. Angel Penn has a wonderful blog at It covers some very important, sensitive issues as well as practical areas of marriage that women from diverse backgrounds have shared about with great transparency and candor. Make sure you read all of the posts. You will be glad you did. They are all so good!

My post for the series is here at


As wives, we have a responsibility to be helpmeets to our husbands. One of the best ways to help our husbands is to pray for them. We need to do all we can do to ensure a godly marriage.

As I was preparing to write this post, I thought to ask my husband what one thing he wanted me to pray for him. He said that the thing that impacts him the most is his self-image. He said that he needs to feel like he is accomplishing something and that he is able to take care of his family. I have to be honest and tell you that his self-image wasn’t even on my original list of things I thought he needed prayer for.

So I adjusted my list of 5 things we should pray for our husbands to include his self-image.

Now I present to you my list of 6 things we should pray for our husbands!

1. His self-image

I should have known that he would say this is his biggest prayer need. After all, I saw how it affected him when he was left without the ability to provide for his family and unable to get any kind of job at all for many months. He felt utterly worthless, useless, and hopeless!

I prayed for him without ceasing, because he was desperately unhappy and downright angry. He was certainly not fun to be around.

To read the rest of this post go to Angel’s blog =>   Read more


  1. Good evening please my marriage in trouble am humbly asking for your prayers my husband have no feeling for me and there is no love for me as well , we have been married for 15yrs we have one child she is 10yrs, my husband is my first love and I love him so very much please pray for us,every prayers help , thank you in advance .

    1. Sattie, I’m praying for you.

      “Father, please do a great work in the heart of this man. Turn his heart back to his wife. Lead him into all truth. Soften his heart and cause him to remember why he fell in love with her in the first place. Do a miracle in this marriage and restore them to a fervent love for each other.

      In Jesus’ name,


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