My Life as an Author

I never thought I would be an author. I didn’t consider myself a very good writer. My kids are wonderful writers. But I didn’t think I had the gift. Our family has such an unusual story that I was constantly being told, “You need to write a book!” I kept thinking I could get one of my kids to write it or we could write it together as a family. But that has not happened yet. So I started thinking maybe I could just write a condensed version of the story just to get it out there. I have a few friends, especially my friend Christine Hornback, who kept encouraging me to write a book and publish it on Amazon.

So I finally got up my nerve to try. I started working on Chapter titles. Then I wrote a little bit for each chapter a little at a time. Then I wrote more to flesh out each chapter. I had about half of the story written when Christine had a Facebook challenge to teach people how to publish a book on Amazon. I joined the challenge and saw how easy it is to publish a book that way. So I got busy finishing my book and now it’s published on Amazon.

I’m so excited to present it here!

I hope you will get the ebook or the paperback and leave a review.
Happy Reading!!!

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