Safe Haven News for January 2021


2020 A Year of Trial of our Faith

Safe Haven News for January 2021

Well, we made it! Hindsight is now 2020!

Phew! Praise the Lord!

Did you learn some new things in 2020? I sure did. Some things I learned were shocking and devastating. But at the same time I saw that God was moving to rescue and restore the children who were being so terribly abused. If you don’t know what I’m talking about I can direct you to some informative videos.

I was disturbed to observe the extent that Marxist, socialist, anti-American sentiment has penetrated the minds of our youth. Seeing the “peaceful protests” that almost always turned into riots and destruction troubled me greatly. I prayed constantly during that time after the George Floyd incident. I was so frustrated by the twisting and manipulating of truth and facts by the media. Their narrative was impossible to overcome. I kept trying to fight against their narrative on Facebook and in talking to people in real life. I have known for a while that the mainstream media spins everything. But now I see the blatant lies they constantly tell. They don’t tell the truth about anything! They are like their father, the devil. When they lie, they are speaking their native language.

Then the covid stuff happened. I couldn’t believe the overreaction. I was so frustrated by the government intrusion, oppression, and restriction of our freedoms. I saw the manipulation and control behind everything they were doing. I saw that it was planned and there were more insidious things they had planned for the future. I saw where it was headed, and I chafed against the theft of our freedoms.

I have resisted wearing a mask. I have resisted fear and intimidation. I’m not afraid. I trust God. I refuse to accept lies! The masks don’t work! The virus is not as deadly as they say! Truth and freedom matter to me! I resisted the strong arm tactics because I know history. When people give in to government oppression and give up their rights, especially when demands are unreasonable, they lose those rights long term. We are fighting a greater force than just our own government. I knew that the enemy was using all of that control and domination to try to destroy us and remove our freedom. The Chinese Communist Party had been carrying out a plan to take over our nation! I will not lie down and let that happen on my watch.

I had no idea at the beginning of the year how deep and far-reaching the corruption was or how entrenched the evil was, not only in our nation, but around the world.

But God turned my heart to intercession and a desire to bring the Kingdom of God to Earth in a greater way than ever before.

I began to spend hours alone with God, seeking His face, asking Him to speak to me. As a result of those hours just sitting with Him, sometimes hearing from Him and feeling His presence, other times just being quiet and feeling peaceful, I feel like my prayers are more powerful and God can speak through me more effectively and prophetically than ever before. I’m so thankful for that. God used me to lead my sister into a relationship with Him. I’m forever grateful. I can’t even express how much joy that brings me.

The Lord has been leading me and Gary into business and ministry together. He has been helping us to learn to work together. Iron sharpening iron, smoothing off rough edges. Some days are rougher than others! But we’re thankful to be together instead of separated like we were the last couple of years because of jobs he had away from home.

Heaven gets sweeter all the time. More of our loved ones are congregating there with every passing year. My sister’s husband just joined the heavenly crowd last week. He had been fighting cancer for over a year, and we had been praying fervently for his healing. But his body finally gave out after a valiant effort. I like to imagine my mom and dad welcoming him there and showing him all the wonderful things about heaven.

I’m getting better at imagining myself in heaven and seeing Jesus there. And sometimes I picture Mom and Dad sitting on a swing together singing and swinging. I like to dream even when I’m awake sometimes. I never used to be able to use my imagination that way at all. I enjoy spending time with Jesus that way. And sometimes He speaks to me during those times.

It makes Bible reading and prayer and waiting on the Lord much more exciting. The Lord is a lot of fun. He likes riddles and jokes as much as anyone. He even likes puns. I’m starting to understand how the joy of the Lord can be my strength.

Now to wrap this newsletter up I’ll try to think of something witty or punny.

I’m still thinking.

All right I had to cheat and look one up. I’ll give you a couple since you had to wait.

Which country’s capital has the fastest growing population? Ireland. Every day it’s Dublin.

What did the janitor say when he jumped out of the closet? SUPPLIES!

She had a photographic memory but never developed it.

I hope you enjoyed my recap of 2020. And let’s pray that this year of 2021 we have smooth sailing! Heaven knows we deserve it!

“May the road rise up to meet you.

May the wind be always at your back.

May the sun shine warm upon your face;

the rains fall soft upon your fields and until we meet again,

may God hold you in the palm of His hand.”

AND – May you have fair winds and following seas.

What I mean to say is: Have a Blessed New Year!

Thanks for visiting!


at Safe Haven Homeschooling

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