My Author’s Page on Amazon for Books I’ve Written

I have written two books with accompanying journals so far.

And here they are!

I’m working on two more books that are both about homeschooling. One is a very quick read, a bit of a condensed version. The other one is a little more comprehensive, but I think they will both be very helpful to new homeschoolers who want a headstart in homeschooling that will help them avoid pitfalls that many beginning homeschoolers encounter.

They will help with changing your mindset, adjusting expectations, knowing what to expect, choosing curriculum, help with planning, and many other topics that are basic to a successful homeschool experience.

I will post about them in the near future when they are ready to publish!

Be watching for them!

One more thing!

I have written an e-course for beginning homeschool moms and for those who want to tweak what they’re doing to simplify or modify what they’re doing to make it more sustainable and enjoyable. It is called “The Basics of Learning and Homeschooling”. I wrote it to teach some basics about the way kids learn so that moms can feel confident that they are meeting the needs of their children and doing it in the way that works best for their child.

If you are looking for some assistance in homeschooling for the long haul, this course will prepare you and give you the knowledge and encouragement you need to keep on going.

Check out my e-course now before the price goes up when I add new content. I will be adding videos made by my oldest son and me that will provide even more advice, encouragement, and how-to’s to make homeschooling the best experience you’ve ever had. You will be glad you took this course, and if you buy it now, you will get the videos for free. I will let everyone know when the videos have been added. The price will go up at that time. But you will have automatic access to them. Right now you can get the e-course for $39, so act now!


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