Safe Haven Newsletter for March

Safe Haven News for March 2021

My latest blog post: A Prophetic Look at What’s Happening

My latest curriculum

I have written some homeschool resources for children who are Junior High – High School age. They are Charlotte Mason-based. They use narration as their mode of learning, reflecting, processing, and recording knowledge from a book they have read. They are based on living books that your child will love. They are practical, hands-on, and encourage reading and writing and thinking!

I also wrote a little narration journal to be used by Elementary students to go with a book called Tornadoes by Gail Gibbons.

You can find my curriculum here:

Some Curriculum for Charlotte Mason- style Homeschooling

My 2 latest books:

5 Steps to Becoming a Great Homeschool Parent – Paperback and E-book

The Basics of Learning and Homeschooling – Paperback and E-book

Find them here on my author’s page:

My Author’s Page on Amazon for Books I’ve Written

I have also put together an e-course. It is also called The Basics of Learning and Homeschooling. It covers the same ideas as the book but in more detail and depth. It is available now at a price of $39. I will be adding videos and the price will go up, but you will get the videos automatically as soon as they are added at no extra cost.

And now for my next trick —

I will be partnering with my friend, Jessica Anderson, to do a homeschool challenge called “The Organized Homeschool Mom Challenge”. It will run for 5 days. So be watching for more information about it in the coming days.

Well, enough about me. How are you all doing? Is 2021 starting to treat you any better than 2020 did? We are opening all the way up in Texas. Yay! Except Houston is still acting like there’s a mask mandate even though our governor cancelled it. It’s so disheartening seeing everybody covering up their beautiful faces and smiles for the sake of a fake pandemic.

Our family is doing well. Anna did have covid, but she has recovered nicely. She did get in touch with The Frontline Doctors and got HCQ from them. The rest of us have not had it. We are taking supplements and doing the usual healthy things. Our lifestyle was already pretty much home-based, so we haven’t had to change much. Gary doesn’t mind wearing a mask as much as I do. So he does most of the grocery shopping.

I have been struggling with Texas Cedar Fever. I finally found out that it’s the culprit for why I have gotten so sick every winter since we moved to Texas. I’m praying about how to recover from it so that I can spend more time awake than asleep!

I really enjoyed teaching the kids about St. Patrick this year and a little about the Irish Revival of 1859. I read from the book “Revival Fire” by Wesley Duewel. It’s a fascinating book about revivals and awakenings around the world.

If any of you are struggling with fear or need prayer about anything, please let me know, and I would love to pray for you.

Some people and prophets who are standing for the return of President Trump to the Presidency are Johnny Enlow, Jeff Jansen, Robin Bullock, Steve Shultz of Elijah List and Elijah Streams, Kat Kerr, and Mario Murillo. They have been so encouraging as we have taken our stand of faith in believing that God is not finished with the Plan he started with President Trump. He has not backed down from what He Prophesied through Kim Clement and many others that President Trump would have two terms. We are believing for amazing things to break open for all of us believers in Jesus.

So be encouraged! Great things are headed our way! Soon!

“May the road rise up to meet you.

May the wind be always at your back.

May the sun shine warm upon your face;

the rains fall soft upon your fields and until we meet again,

may God hold you in the palm of His hand.”

AND – May you have fair winds and following seas.

Thanks for visiting!

Penney Douglas

at Safe Haven Homeschooling

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