It Had to Be This Way


None of us expected the election to go this way. Many of us felt the shock and disappointment to the very core of our being. How could this have been ripped away from us in such an unfair miscarriage of justice? The Trump rallies, the city parades, boat parades, even Amish buggy parades, the obvious excitement and enthusiasm for Trump, especially compared to the complete lack of campaigning on the part of Biden, led us all to believe that President Trump would win easily. And so many prophets heard from God that he would be a two-term President. So when the election was called for Biden by the media (who put them in charge?), we were shocked and devastated.


So many things were done that pointed to election fraud, but the media kept saying this was the most secure election ever, there’s no proof of fraud, President Trump is making baseless claims of fraud, etc. Any questioning or even testimonies of eyewitnesses were completely ignored or denigrated as false or exaggerated.


President Trump and his team knew this would happen. He warned us about the dangers of mail-in voting. He knew they were going to steal the election. He watched them cheat and let them get away with it. He had to let them commit the crime before he could arrest them for it. The truth is leaking out slowly. Many unscrupulous people are being exposed and arrested. Lots of these things are happening behind the scenes. If you really want to know what’s happening and what’s really true, do some digging and praying and you’ll find the truth. If something doesn’t make sense, it’s probably being done by the ones who have been manipulating and controlling us for decades. Look up the cabal, deep state, central banks, luciferians, or any term that relates to secret societies or mind control, and you’ll find out why things have been so difficult and getting worse all the time. They are the source of much of the human trafficking, economic woes, wars, racial strife, division, and corruption in our country and around the world.


Most of our leaders have been corrupted by them. That’s why nothing good ever came out of Washington even though we tried to vote in leaders who would fix things and do what’s right.


Leaders in all aspects of society have been influenced by these evil people. They have been paid off, blackmailed, or coerced into using their influence to turn our country and our children away from God, the Bible, and traditional family values. Education, government, entertainment, media, medicine, and even businesses have cooperated with them in their evil agenda to destroy America as we know it.


President Trump and his team have been aware of the corruption at all levels and in all spheres of society. They have been steadily catching the crooks and cleaning up each area for years. It’s a colossal task, but they are making progress. They had to let them do their dirty work and then catch them in the act.


Even the Covid scam was already known before they enacted it. The plans were written long ago, and people who know how to research discovered them. The cabal telegraphed to us through movies and TV shows what they were planning to do to us. They are all about depopulation and genocide.


Because President Trump’s team let it play out this way, everyone should realize that the deep state is real and its agenda is evil. That’s why it had to be this way.




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