You Don’t Have to Take It!

You’re being told that you HAVE to take it, but you don’t have to.

There are medical and religious exemptions, for one thing.

There’s a sample religious exemption letter from a nurse who obtained an exemption in this post.

And the rules change from one day to the next. They mandate one thing, then a federal judge reverses it. Then they ignore the judge and mandate another thing. It’s all a farce. Mandates are not laws. They cannot be enforced. The reason that employers are requiring it is because they are being paid to do it. Don’t comply. If they fire you, you will be able to sue them. The mandates are not lawful. You will win your case.

I know it’s uncomfortable. I know it’s scary. Believe me, I know. We don’t have an income. We haven’t had an income since January of 2020. The companies are not hiring our kind. But God has taken care of us. Things are really tight right now, but we always have our needs met. If we can go two years without an income, you can go a while with Unemployment and whatever else God provides. We haven’t even had Unemployment for about 5 months. We are trusting the Lord for everything, and He takes care of us.

People need to start trusting God again instead of Mammon. They need to be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. They need to have courage to stand up and say NO!


Watch this video for more details!

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