Inspire Your Children with Missionary Biographies

Heidi Baker – missionary to Mozambique

I love missionaries! I wanted to be one, but I had 10 children instead.


But I wanted my children to know about these wonderful heroes called missionaries. So I read lots of missionary biographies to them during our homeschooling. I thought I would share with you the ones that made the biggest impression on my kids and me.


Missionary Biographies by YWAM – Christian Heroes Then and Now


My favorites that we have read together


  1. Mary Slessor
  2. Lillian Trasher
  3. Hudson Taylor
  4. George Muller
  5. Adoniram Judson
  6. Gladys Aylward
  7. David Livingstone
  8. Amy Carmichael
  9. Brother Andrew
  10. Jim Elliot


Other Faith-building books we’ve read and loved


  1. Rees Howells Intercessor – by Norman Grubb
  2. John G. Lake – by Kenneth Copeland Publications
  3. The Miracles of Smith Wigglesworth – by Dr. Michael H. Yeager
  4. God’s Generals for Kids – by Roberts Liardon and Olly Goldenberg
  5. God’s Generals for Kids – Smith Wigglesworth – by Roberts Liardon and Olly Goldenberg
  6. Visions Beyond the Veil – by H. A. Baker
  7. Always Enough – by Rolland and Heidi Baker


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