February Newsletter


Dear Safe Haven Family,

I hope you’re all experiencing the hope and anticipation of what God is about to do.

My family is preparing for the good things that are coming. Our story is like the first verses of Psalm 40:

“I waited and waited and waited some more, patiently, knowing God would come through for me. Then, at last, He bent down and listened to my cry. He stooped down to lift me out of danger from the desolate pit I was in, out of the muddy mess I had fallen into. Now He’s lifted me up into a firm, secure place and steadied me while I walk along His ascending path.”

If you haven’t heard our story, you may wonder what I’m talking about. We’ve been waiting for a home. We’ve been believing for a miracle, a change in fortune for a long time. For 18 years we’ve been praying and believing for a settled place that is truly ours. My husband, Gary, and I wanted more from life than a powerless Christianity and the “American Dream”. So we prayed some dangerous prayers. We told God that we would only do what He told us to do. We came to the conclusion that if we didn’t fulfill what He called us to do, then what was the use of our living? I realized that if we wanted the power to do miracles and to change and impact lives, we would need to go through a baptism of fire. My book is called “Refined By Fire” for a reason! For the rest of the story, read my book here.

In the meantime, I have some good news to share with you. There are ways to reduce the effects of the vaccine. You may have heard of Ivermectin. It was demonized and suppressed during the plandemic, but it really works against covid. It’s a de-wormer, yes, so what does that tell you about the “disease”. Ivermectin also kills cancer cells. And it cures Lyme disease. Other treatments that are very effective are hydroxychloroquine, quercetin, zinc, and vitamin D. Dr. Judy Mikovits says that we can detox from the vax and protect from shedding using the same protocols for treating the virus itself. If you have a healthy immune system, your body will degrade the particles from the vaccine. She says that some things we can do are to never wear another mask, and never get another shot. She says that we should not stay away from people who took the shot but hug them and let it build our immune system. You can learn more about this from Dr. Judy here. Dirt Road Discussions on Telegram has lots of good information about Ivermectin, too. You can order it from this site.

Eggs have become controversial! And it’s about more than the age-old question about what came first – the chicken or the egg. It’s about whether eggs are healthy or deadly.

Have you noticed all of the egg farms that are burning? Why do you think this is happening? Somebody is trying to get rid of the chickens AND the eggs. They say they have to kill the chickens because of avian flu, and I’ve seen fake articles claiming that eggs cause blood clots!

But the truth is:

Chicken Egg Yolk Antibodies (IgYs) block the binding of multiple SARS-CoV-2 spike
protein variants to human ACE2.

But beware of eggs from chickens that are eating feed with the same RNA technology that is in the vaccines.

Tractor Supply chicken feed is reportedly causing egg-laying to stop. What! Can you believe it?

So make sure you get your eggs from a local farmer and find out what kind of feed they are using.

It looks like they will get us one way or another, doesn’t it?

However, things are not as bad as they appear. NWO and WEF have their plans, but God is running His own plan. And it’s a good one.

If you want to find out more about what is REALLY happening you can go to:

Amysever.com. Check out the Units on her website and her daily broadcast M-F.


and Freedomforce.live

~Homeschool Corner~

Do you feel lost when it comes to homeschooling? Do you question your decisions about curriculum? Do you know how you should schedule your days? Do you feel confident in your ability to teach your children? Do you know ways to help your children learn with less effort and better comprehension and retention?

I have helped lots of homeschoolers with getting started with homeschooling, choosing curriculum, adapting their teaching methods, and understanding what’s going on with their kids.

I can help you to relax and simplify so that you feel confident that you are teaching well and your children are learning well – without the fear and stress and striving to reproduce the classroom approach at home. Fearless Homeschooling will help you to enjoy your homeschooling days and years and keep doing it for as long as you feel it is the best thing for your family.

I put together this course with my son for new homeschool moms and for moms who feel like they have been homeschooling unsuccessfully. My son graduated from homeschooling and is now in ministry with his wife reaching out to Gen Z helping them to overcome issues that are unique to their generation. He recorded the videos with me, sharing his thoughts about homeschooling and about what he has learned from it and from his further studies in sociology, psychology, and Meta-learning (learning about learning).

This course will help you to gain confidence and lose fear in your homeschool.

One homeschool mom who took this course said:

“When I watched your videos, I either cried or breathed a huge sigh of relief. I think I literally cried! The reason was because you didn’t have the air of superiority. I felt that you were supporting and empowering the listener. I looooooved that! It can’t be overstated. 💖💖💖💖 I did find that it was a good antidote against self-doubt and anxiety. A lot of what you said was confirmation and then there was always something new I would learn too.”

The Basics of Learning and Homeschooling – Gain Confidence and Lose Fear in Your Homeschool


Angel’s conference is coming up in one month, and there are only 5 spots left. The conference is called “She’s Called Forth”. If you want to learn how to better engage the battlegrounds in your life, sign up today! You can check out all of the details about the conference here:

Please note that if you are coming with a friend, you can room together. Just let us know in the order notes when you register.

Coming alone? DO NOT WORRY!! You’ll be in the company of sisters that have been praying for you and are ready to meet you! You won’t leave as strangers. Angel is so thankful to witness how the relationships between the ladies have blossomed over this past year. It’s truly a God-thing.

I hope you will consider going if you’re anywhere close to Atlanta and need a fresh touch from God.

May you all be safe in His arms, free from all care,

Peace and Love,

Penney Douglas, B.S. in Ed.
Safe Haven Homeschooling

Changed By Love blog
Amazon author page
The Basics of Learning and Homeschooling E-course
Kingdom Homeschool Mom Facebook Page

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