Notable Events in August 2024


What is causing such bad health in children?


Dr. McCullough Delivers Message All Parents Need to Hear

“This childhood vaccine schedule is not what we thought… I’m telling you, in total, it doesn’t look good.”

The 1986 Vaccine Injury Act even admits vaccines come with “unavoidable harms.”

Five separate studies now show that “if children go natural, no vaccines whatsoever, they have the best outcomes.”

“When I was a kid, the rate of autism was one in 10,000. Now it’s one in 36,” Dr. McCullough explained.

“And there’s about 200 published manuscripts showing it’s immune system dysregulation.”

“And the vignettes, the mothers tell us that the child was fine up until the time they took multiple rounds of vaccines, and then they developed autism. Those vignettes are almost certainly correct. We can’t pin it down to any single vaccine. But I’m telling you, in total, it doesn’t look good. This epidemic of autism is a tsunami. And you know how many, many mothers now — [a] recent Kaiser Family Foundation survey shows about a third of mothers and young fathers going natural.”

What is Causing the Autism Rate to Go Up So High?

Is an Amish Teenager Happier than the Average Conventional American Teenager? —— One thing is for Sure, They Certainly Have Lower Rates of Autism

I don’t wanna go Bobby Kennedy on you”

Joe Rogan:
That’s the problem… if you go Bobby Kennedy they’ll come for you.

How is that not in the debate?

Not only is it not in the debate, you’re punished for adding it to the conversation.

Approximately 1 in 36 children in the U.S. have autism, up from the previous rate of 1 in 44 just a few years ago.

I can’t find an honest number on autism rates in the Amish community, just “Fact check” articles, but the consensus I found is that 1 out of somewhere between 10,000 – 15,000 Amish children have autism. 🤯

Are the Rothschilds Really Jews?

Just like I have been telling you for a long time. Some people are finally seeing the connections
The Rothschild’s. Rockefellers all come from Germany where the Illuminati was created in 1776 and where Klaus Schwab comes from ….. They were all created by the Kazarians who created the fake Jewish people in agreement with Roman empire to rename Kazarians to Jewish people.. These certain Kazarian Jewish people that moved through Germany were called the AshkeNAZI Jews.



Stanford Surgeon: Why are Americans Getting Sicker Every Year? — “The System is Rigged Against the American Patient to Create Diseases and Profit off of Them”

• Why are 50% of American children dealing with a chronic health issue?
—— 50 years ago, chronic health issues were only present in less than 1% of children

• Every level of the health education is systematically blinding doctors form thinking about root causes

“There are over 100 medical and surgical sub specialties… and how you make money in the healthcare industry is you take a patient with 10 different issues and you send them to 10 different specialists… put them on 10 different meds, and maybe have 10 different surgeries”..

• Who are the people underwriting our medical education? It’s the pharmaceutical companies…!

• The reason Americans are getting sicker every year is because Americans want to be healthy…

“The System is Rigged Against the American Patient to Create Diseases and Profit off of Them…

This is happening at every level, from FOOD, from TECH, from PHARMA..”


⚡️BREAKING: Israel is behind rigging elections and online bot farms.

Not Iran and not Russia.


Let’s share this everybody…

To help people connect the dots that this is just like the #InsideJob on President Kennedy…
Thank God President Trump is OK !

See video here

Join the fight


Five Months before his Assassination, President John F. Kennedy issued this executive order that would give the American currency back to the People by printing Money based on a Silver Standard, Taking away the power of the Federal Reserve Banking cartel.
Many argue this is the Reason that JFK was assassinated..


Auto immune blistering disease is an adverse reaction to the Pfizer vaccine ..
It’s on page 2 of the Pfizer data drop..

Monkey pox is a cover up ..

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