Hey Safe Haven Family!
😊 I’ve been thinking about you and how much faith it takes for you to homeschool. I wrote a blog post here that will encourage you in your decision to homeschool and edify you in the faith and courage it takes for you to daily set up an atmosphere of learning and trust the learning process to produce the results you want in your children – that they will acquire the knowledge and skills they need to succeed.
Homeschooling takes great faith and dedication.
Mom, you deserve a medal🥇, a trophy🏆, a big salary💰!
But we know what the true rewards are. All moms are blessed to feel the love we have for our children that is like no other. It is an honor and a privilege to raise children, and when we homeschool we get to spend more time with them and watch them learn and grow. We get to help them become all that they were meant to be.
But some of us are trying so hard to do everything right that we miss out on the light-hearted fun times that come with kids and imagination. Please make sure that you are not so concerned about grades and test scores, finishing workbooks, and keeping your house tidy that you don’t notice the funny, witty, brilliant things that your children do every day.
Take advantage of the teachable moments. Enjoy the zany moments. 🤪 Catch your kids being creative and praise them for it. 🎨🖼️🖊️
Sometimes we have to stop taking everything so seriously. Give yourself some grace. Be realistic about what you can do in a day, and make sure the most important things get done. If you find yourself getting impatient (Heaven forbid!😂), take a break.
👩👦 My daughter has only been a mom for a little over a year, but she has already figured this out. (She learned it a lot sooner than I did. I was a Mommy Martyr.) She knows that she is a better mommy when she takes a day each week to go to the gym. She has her sister babysit, so Alessio gets time with his Aunt Kelsey, and Anna gets time to exercise and relax (if that’s possible) without the constant concern and work of making sure Alessio is taken care of during that brief time. She is so excited and anxious to see Alessio when she gets back home, and the drudgery that comes with too much of the same thing is wiped away.
She talked about it here:
I’ve started writing on Substack, so if you’re on Substack, I’d love it if you’d follow me there. I’m sharing homeschool stories and wisdom I’ve picked up along the way as I raised 10 kids and homeschooled them through many crises and cross-country moves and confusing life situations. Homeschooling has kept us together and made it possible for us to survive as a family. I encourage homeschool families to do whatever it takes to make it work, because homeschooling is a blessing to the children and to the family.
I just found out about something that can clean your blood! Life is in the blood. And when our blood is clean, our bodies can regenerate and reverse the effects of aging. The testimonies of people who are using it are amazing. They say you can Live Younger Now. Check out iHeRQles here. I just got mine yesterday, so I’ll let you know the results I see.
This video tells the history of Nu Xtrax which makes iHeRQles.
This is a really good video called The Toxic Truth about what is making our blood dirty and clogging our microvessels.
If you are interested in checking out these products, go to my website here:
Last month, I shared our journey of loss and faith when we lost our home and had to stay with my parents. After a month, we obeyed God’s call and left Ohio for Arizona. Though uncertain, we trusted Him and packed up our van—eight children, ten duffle bags, eight pillows, and a big bag of books.
I rode in the back to protect our slightly rambunctious 4-year-old, who might have been pummeled by his siblings otherwise. The duffle bags blocked the windows, leaving me unable to see outside. I traveled across the entire country, from Ohio to Arizona, without seeing a thing!
That journey, though challenging, was one of faith and obedience. Each mile brought us closer to God’s plan, even when we couldn’t see where we were going—literally and spiritually.
Homeschooling requires the same faith. It’s about stepping out, trusting that God will provide, even when the path is unclear. Let me help you develop the confidence to homeschool fearlessly, knowing He will equip you every step of the way.
I want to invite you to walk with me and my son, Shawn, through your homeschool journey. We put together a course, and I would love to go through the course with you.
The Basics of Learning and Homeschooling coaching e-course
I will teach you about readiness, learning styles, stages of development, and other factors that make it easier for children to learn.
We want to make learning easier for children, not harder. With this understanding, you will feel more confident about your ability to evaluate your child’s needs and the best way to meet them.
My son, a homeschool graduate, shares his knowledge and ideas about homeschooling and learning in the videos in this course. He has studied these concepts, because he cares about how children are taught as he endeavors to reach out to the younger generations with advice and encouragement, so they can live their best life.
Through this coaching program, you will have weekly access to me, and I will answer questions and follow up on the teaching from the modules. If you have personal questions, we can schedule a private call. You will see a more peaceful, content attitude in your child when you start practicing the methods I teach in this course. I will help you feel confident and know that you are doing a good job of homeschooling your child.
I want to be your homeschool life coach .
Join me here! You can also watch this video of my husband interviewing me about the course.
✏️In next month’s newsletter, I’ll share a powerful experience that showed me learning is always at work. Even when we’re not actively teaching a skill like reading, our kids’ brains are constantly processing, connecting, and building on prior knowledge. Learning doesn’t pause—it unfolds in the background, shaping understanding and mastery in ways we might not even notice.
Thanks for reading! 📜
As always, if you have any prayer requests 🙏, please hit reply and let me know. I’ve had a few reach out to me with requests, and it has been my absolute honor to pray for them every day. I write them in my book every day and pray for them.
Penney Douglas, B. S. in Elem. Ed.
Curriculum I’ve created with a Charlotte Mason twist plus other conventional types of curriculum
E-course I created – The Basics of Learning and Homeschooling
Coaching Course I created – Also called The Basics of Learning and Homeschooling – I take you through the course and do a coaching call with you each month
My shop for homeschool merch, t-shirts, mugs, notebooks, phone covers, and much more!
Changed By Love – My original Blog about Homeschooling, Family, Faith, and Alternative News
My YouTube Channel – Safe Haven Homeschooling Channel – Homeschool Encouragement for Newbies and Burnt-out veterans, Family projects, Relationship Building, and Interviews with Homeschool Experts