
Fear the Lord = Kiss the Son

Psalm 2 (a Messianic Psalm that hints of God’s Trinitarian nature) shows us that the fear of the Lord is best understood as the opportunity to: “Kiss the Son!” (verse 12). Oh, if only we’d see how precious the Lord is! We would take great care not to offend him in any way. We’d delight in him with affection always. This is a healthy, mature fear of the Lord. Truly, “Perfect love removes all fear” (1 John 4:18).

My prayer inspired by Psalm 2 will help you to appreciate how precious Jesus is:

A Prayer to Kiss the Son of God

O Jesus, I see you smile at me! I see your arms open to me! In my excitement I run to you. I throw myself into your arms. I kiss your cheeks again and again. I burrow my head in your chest.

Jesus! Jesus! Sweet Jesus! Your name is honey on my lips. Your Spirit is water to my thirsty soul. Your Word is the bread of heaven for me to I live off of every day.

Jesus, you are most dear to me. You are the One I delight in. You capture my interest like no one or nothing else. To be near you in your kingdom is heaven on earth. How could I be so privileged and honored as to be welcomed into your arms of love?

All my worries are put to rest when I simply speak your name: Jesus! All my hurts are comforted when I embrace you. All my ambitions mean nothing next to you. Temptations have no appeal when I look into your lovely face. When I fail and when I succeed all that matters is your grace.

When people criticize me I remember your cross, O Christ. When they praise me I remember to give glory to you. Whether they support me or disappoint me I give thanks for your faithful love.

Jesus, you alone are my Refuge, my Safe Place, my Hiding Place. You are my Secret Soul Mate, my One Essential Friend – I love to carry on conversation with you all day long!

I am the most blessed person on earth to kiss the Son of God!

Making Jesus the desire of your heart always puts all of your life in proper perspective and is the answer to all of your problems. Probably you won’t hear many Christian psychologists say that, but I have found it to be true for myself and many people I help.

Taken from an article by Bill Gaultiere at CBN.com. Here’s the link to read the whole article.

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