This gospel unveils a continual revelation of God’s righteousness – a perfect righteousness given to us when we believe. And it moves us from receiving life through faith, to the power of living by faith. This is what the Scripture means when it says:
“We are right with God through life-giving faith!” Romans 1:17
For everyone who has been born of God overcomes the world. And this is the victory that has overcome the world—our faith. 1 John 5:4
In the same way that we had faith to have 10 children out of obedience to God, we homeschooled our children out of faith and obedience.
We learned how to walk in faith and obedience through a very difficult situation in our lives.
In 2006, we had lost everything. Homeless and defeated, we found ourselves at my parents’ house. My father reluctantly let us stay, his disappointment palpable. When I say us, I mean my husband, me, and our eight children, including 1-year-old twins. The judgment from others was unbearable.
We turned to God, pleading for direction, but heaven seemed silent. One night, sitting in my childhood bedroom, I felt hopeless. Then came an unexpected call. A man we barely knew invited my husband, Gary, to lunch and delivered a startling message: we were supposed to leave Ohio. I was skeptical. “How?” I asked. The man’s advice was bold: announce our departure and trust God to provide.
Desperation drove us to act. We told everyone we were leaving, set a date, and prayed. Then, the miraculous happened. Money came from unlikely sources, even from those who had judged us.
That step of faith changed everything. Each subsequent challenge strengthened our trust in God.
Homeschooling requires the same kind of faith—believing you can provide both education and spiritual grounding for your children. And that God will help you with this impossible mission – to provide a better education than any school could give your children. Let me help you develop the faith to homeschool fearlessly, trusting His guidance every step of the way.
To talk to me about coaching you along your homeschool and faith journey, contact me here: